I'm reading through Dr. Bryan Chapell's book Christ Centered Preaching again. I haven't read the book in probably a year or so, since going through seminary. Even in seminary I read the book because I had to for a book review, and while it was good, I have a feeling that I didn't get out of it what I could have, so now I'm going to read it again, so I can be reminded of the great truths that Dr. Chapell has distilled in this wonderful volume. If you haven't read it, and you want to preach, I entreat you, read it.
One of the earliest truths that Dr. Chapell discusses is the fact that preachers are insufficient to the task of preaching. But, it's okay that we be insufficient to the task, because the real task of preaching is the winning of souls to God. The presentation of the Word of God with power to the goal of converting sinners to Christ, and empowering Christians to live their lives, in every way, in deeper relationship with God. What mortal man could be sufficient to this task? All of us are too sinful, too imperfect, too limited to accomplish the goals we should have with every sermon.
But, that's okay. In fact, that's a good thing. Because we are insufficient we are able to do exactly what we need to do. Because we are imperfect, we are able to call upon God, who perfects his power in our weakness, that he might do that which we cannot, and glorify himself through the foolishness of preaching. I told my wife one of the first lines in that book that made me chuckle is that Dr. Chapell notes that Paul commends the foolishness of preaching, but not foolish preaching.
A good preacher, a good pastor, is not called to stand up and be foolish in what he says, but he is called to be wise and give forth the Word of God. This is foolish precisely because we expect somehow that mere words will have effective power to change the lives of those that hear them. But, this is the means by which God has determined that his power should be shared. He works through his Word. The same Word that created the world holds all things together now, it raised Christ from the dead, sent the Spirit into timid fishermen and rejects from society, and even now is working powerfully in the world to accomplish the will of God. This Word no man is worthy to proclaim, but we are called to go forth and do that which we are not worthy of, because God is powerful enough to redeem the fallen.
Isn't this the same thing that applies to all of us? What are you sufficient to do on your own? Banking, physics, driving, shoveling, what is any of that in the eternal scheme of things? Yet, in Christ when we are obedient, those things which are nothing in the eternal scheme become important, because God does amazing things with insufficient people.
None of us is sufficient to fulfill the task to which we were called, because we were called to conform to the image of Christ. I don't know about you, but I have found that no matter how much I may try and force my heart to be more faithful, I don't seem to have a lot of power to change my very nature. I can control my actions, I can choose not to dwell on the sinful thoughts that enter into my mind, but I seem to have a nature that keeps on wanting to go back to sin. I am insufficient to change myself, to conform myself, to the image of Christ. But God is sufficient, and he will do that which I am incapable of doing, I just have to be faithful to him.
Likewise, Christ called upon us to go out into all nations and proclaim the gospel, making disciples of every people, tribe, tongue and nation. We were told to do this not because of the great power that was given unto us, but because all power in heaven and earth has been given unto him. Our commission does not rely upon our sufficiency, but upon the sufficiency of our God. He alone is able to do all things, without him, we can do nothing.
Take comfort in your insufficiency. Be confident that whatever God has called you to do, you are incapable of doing. And that is to his glory, because what you cannot do, he can. Where you are insufficient, God, my God, is more than sufficient. When you are faithful to God, and you work with all the strength which he gives you, then you can do great things, because you are not sufficient to do it on your own.
But, that means that you don't need to worry about whether you will save your best friend. You don't need to worry about whether your life will be perfect enough to stand against those who would test you and examine every aspect of you. You have sinned, and though you have (hopefully) put that sin behind you, you will never attain perfection in this life. You don't need to worry about those things, because the reality is that this is who you are, imperfect, insufficient to achieve the great tasks which God will set before you.
But, because God's Word is sufficient, because his power is able to do all things, when he commands you, if you are faithful to do what he says, then he will accomplish his purposes. Your life will never save anyone, only his word will. You will never have the power to save any man, only Christ can do that. You can take comfort in knowing that God is not relying upon your insufficiency, he is giving you the chance to join with his power to accomplish his purposes. This same God who made all things, who raised Christ from the dead, is able to raise the dead people we speak to, but we are not.
Praise God for our insufficiency, that he may be glorified. I will never save any man with my preaching, and that's perfectly fine with me. I may stumble, I may fall, I may make a fool of myself in the pulpit, and that's okay. As long as God's Word is proclaimed, that is all that matters. I may be a stuttering fool, I may lack all eloquence, I may be monotone and forget my outline, but if I am obedient to what God has called me to do, if I proclaim his Word, then he will be faithful to himself, and he will use his Word to accomplish his purposes. It is God who gives a man ears to hear and a mouth to speak. If he gives me an eloquent tongue, then so much more to his praise, but if not, I do not need to worry, I may be insufficient, but that's just the kind of person God wants me to be.
Have you thanked God for your insufficiency today? Have you praised God that you do not have the burden to accomplish what you cannot accomplish? Have you thanked him that he chose to let you join him in accomplishing his will? Our God is awesome, his power is beyond description. If you do not know this God, please, write me that I can share his Word with you. Seek him while he may still be found, for all who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.
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